Ao deambular pelo arquivo de TED Talks devido a um trabalho, encontrei um nome familiar: Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
O motivo pelo qual o fotógrafo/realizador francês deu aquela conferência foi o de apresentar três dos seu projetos, à data, mais recentes, cujas temáticas são tanto antropológicas como humanitárias e ecológicas.
Um deles, no qual é evidente o seu interesse pela heterogeneidade de culturas e etnias que povoam o nosso planeta, conhecia já à partida: "6 billion others". Como o nome sugere, era objetivo de Arthus-Bertrand dar a conhecer a cada um de nós a face de quem habita para lá dos limites do nosso universo pessoal, os outros 6 biliões de pessoas que desconhecemos e sobre os quais, certamente, nos questionamos. Para tal, cinco operadores de câmara foram enviados a 50 países, de forma a reunir 5000 testemunhos diferentes. Levaram com eles 40 perguntas sobre a vida, cujas respostas surpreendentemente diferentes refletem os costumes, tradições e ideologias de cada região.
Há cerca de quatro ou cinco anos atrás, era exibido diariamente, na televisão pública portuguesa (RTP2), um vídeo que correspondia a cada uma das 40 perguntas colocadas e, por conseguinte, às respostas dadas pelos homens e mulheres entrevistados nos locais mais antagónicos do mundo. Experiências de vida eram partilhadas por cidadãos das mais diversas idades, que comummente se comoviam ao, confrontados pela questão de que eram alvo, relembrar um episódio das suas vivências que, uns com gosto e outros a custo, contavam.
Era-me impossível pensar num projeto mais genuíno; era-me impossível encontrar pessoas mais fantásticas. E, no entanto, elas encontram-se aqui, junto de nós, a menos de um mundo de distância.
As I was scrolling through the TED Talks archive due to a work I had to do based on one of them, I stumbled upon a familiar name: Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
The photographer/director gave that conference in order to present three of his most recent projects at the time, which were subordinated to his concern for humanitarian and ecological causes.
I knew one of them (where his interest in the cultural and ethnical heterogeinity on our planet becomes clear) from the begining: "6 billion others". As the title suggests, Arthus-Bertrand's goal was to show each one of us the faces of those who live beyond our personal environments, those 6 billion people we know nothing about. He sent 5 cameramen to 50 countries, where they gathered 5,000 different testimonies, so that he could achieve his purpose. Those cameramen had to make 40 questions about life, to which they obtained incredibly different answers, that mirror each society's ways of thinking, traditions and habits.
About four to five years ago, portuguese television (RTP2) exhibited on a daily basis a video that corresponded to one of those 40 questions and, therefore, to the answers of several men and women, who were interviewed in the opposite corners of the world. They shared their life experiences and sometimes got extremelly emotional when confronted with a certain question.
It would be impossible to think about a more genuine project; it would be impossible to find more amazing people. And yet, they're right here next to us, less than a world away.
Era-me impossível pensar num projeto mais genuíno; era-me impossível encontrar pessoas mais fantásticas. E, no entanto, elas encontram-se aqui, junto de nós, a menos de um mundo de distância.
As I was scrolling through the TED Talks archive due to a work I had to do based on one of them, I stumbled upon a familiar name: Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
The photographer/director gave that conference in order to present three of his most recent projects at the time, which were subordinated to his concern for humanitarian and ecological causes.
I knew one of them (where his interest in the cultural and ethnical heterogeinity on our planet becomes clear) from the begining: "6 billion others". As the title suggests, Arthus-Bertrand's goal was to show each one of us the faces of those who live beyond our personal environments, those 6 billion people we know nothing about. He sent 5 cameramen to 50 countries, where they gathered 5,000 different testimonies, so that he could achieve his purpose. Those cameramen had to make 40 questions about life, to which they obtained incredibly different answers, that mirror each society's ways of thinking, traditions and habits.
About four to five years ago, portuguese television (RTP2) exhibited on a daily basis a video that corresponded to one of those 40 questions and, therefore, to the answers of several men and women, who were interviewed in the opposite corners of the world. They shared their life experiences and sometimes got extremelly emotional when confronted with a certain question.
It would be impossible to think about a more genuine project; it would be impossible to find more amazing people. And yet, they're right here next to us, less than a world away.
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